What does it mean?
During the first corona lockdown, I took part in a distant sound healing experiment over the duration of 12 weeks.
During the second meeting, one of the participants mentioned how her meditations and prayers got to another dimension
since she used the word „ephphatha“ beforehand. I tried it out and can only agree.
„Ephphatha“ means „be opened“ and was used by Jesus to heal a deaf and blind man.
Be open(ed) to healing - welcome healing and be open to it - on every level, dimension, past, present, future.
This has a very powerful effect, in a loving, secure way.
The Greek/Aramaic spelling looks like this: ἐφφαθά.
So looking for a name for my Sound Healing practice, 'Open Sound' nearly suggested itself - as a constant reminder to be open/ed - for small everyday life events to miracles.
Working, learning and growing to φpen a 'sφund revφlutiφn', infusing my surroundings with love, healing and relaxation.
Spreading seeds of healing and love via sound - opening the gates for a healing revφlutiφn.
In this spirit: Be open/ed and heal on!